Hello Again!!!!!
So its been a week in Tokyo and there have been a lot of activities. So i'll break it down into days
Monday May 25, 2009
This day in Japan was wonderful. We went to Mitaka to meet with the staff and stinters with JCCC (Japan Campus Crusade for Christ) for an orientation. They made us yaki soba for lunch which was really good. So delicious!! Then after lunch we were split into groups of 3-4 people and were sent out on a Scavenger hunt.
My group consisted of Andrew and Jess. Our task was to get to Shibuya, a really popular shopping district, and find several significant places, eat foods, and find out a story about a dog. The three of us had a great time. We got help with the train station from a person who spoke english really well, and made it to Shibuya with little trouble. Then we went hunting. It was difficult at times to find the shops, do to the irregular street configuration. I enjoyed the pericura booths the best. You take goofy pictures with each other and then you go to another booth and edit the photos by adding all sorts of silly stuff. Then you get a little print out of the pictures. It was a lot of fun looking at the photos that our group and the other groups had created. When it was all over we had to meet in front of the statue of the most loyal dog in Tokyo, Hachiko.
To end the night on monday's, we have date night with Jesus. I decided to spend date night exploring Koenji, getting dinner, and listening to worship music in a state of constant prayer. It was really good, but there are sooooo many tiny restaurants around so it is hard to decide what to eat. I ended up not eating until after date night was over and i ran into Josh. We went exploring the area for food and ended up in Nakano, one town east of Koenji by train, where we ate meat and rice bowls. However our rice bowls contained raw egg, which i could not stomach. Josh thought it tasted good, well until i mentioned that his had raw egg as well. Then he said, "I think im going to be sick." It was a wonderful first monday in Japan.
Tuesday, May 26 2009
Tuesday started the first day of the normal daily schedule for project. Tuesday mornings we have prayer meeting at 9:00am which is lead by prayer team (Amy, Joe, and myself). Then an hour of quiet time, which i use to journal and read God's word (i.e. the Bible). Then off to campus at 11am. The campus is called Hitotsubashi. Our first day on campus was great. We got to meet two students at lunch and had a great conversation. The students seemed really open to talking to Americans to practice their english. It was encouraging. We also did a lot of prayer walking to get to know the campus and find out where the students like to hang out. Overall it was a great day.
We ended the day with man time where we ran around town looking for a park that was very elusive. We finally found it and were able to share our testimonies with each other. It was a very good time. The next morning a few of us went out running to see if we could find the park again, which turned out to be much easier in the day light.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
We went back to Hitotsubashi and before we entered campus, we prayed. Kylan, one of our team leaders, prayed that i would meet some lacrosse players on campus. I was really excited to meet people and when i got my lunch and was about to pay, i ran into a guy who was wearing a lacrosse shirt. I asked him if he played and he did, and so i went and ate lunch with him and about 10 other lacrosse players. We had a great conversation and they invited me to go play with them later that afternoon, so i said i would love too.
At 2:00pm, we went to the Lacrosse field and the guys found some equipment for me to wear. I suited up and they warmed me up and then i let everyone take shots on me....it was soo much fun. I had a great time. Two other guys on my campus team came along and were able to share with the womens lacrosse team as well as some of the other lacrosse players. Overall, it was a great opportunity to meet and build relationships with some of the students.
Wednesday night is family night. For the first family night, the family night team planned an evening of games. We ended up playing "signs", which is a fun group game where you pass around signs while the person in the middle has to figure out who has the sign. It was a great way to unwind from the day.
Thursday May 28, 2009
This was a difficult day on campus due to the rain and tests. Many of the students who were in the cafeterias were not open to talking. So we prayer walked through much of the day.
Thursday night was a good night. We meet with Student Impact in Mitaka to worship and have dinner with our fellow christians in Japan. I had a great time getting to know a couple of the students and enjoyed the time in worship.
Friday May 29, 2009
Friday we went to a different campus, Gakugei. We started out with lunch at the joyful cafe. The Joyful cafe is a time for lunch with the christians on campus, and whom ever we invited, to speak english and share with them our faith and spur spiritual conversations. It was a great time. Afterwards, we went out sharing and kylan and i got to talk to 3 soccer players who invited us to their soccer game. Kylan and Josh went to their game and were able to make some good friends with whom we have been able to eat lunch with a couple more times. It was a great day all together.
I'll continue to fill you in with more posts on the next week soon.
Thanks for you support!
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