Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Challenge Week
Last week was designated as challenge week. Gen and Heather challenged us to set goals (# of gospel presentations, ministry goal, and exceedingly more). We also spent one extra hour each day on the campuses in order to help us reach our goals, but mainly to share God's word to the students. I felt that this was a great way to seek conversations with students, to trust God to open the hearts and minds of the students so that we could present the gospel to them, and to stretch our own capacity to evangelize.
Monday and Friday we had the Joyful Cafeteria (an english lunch) at Gakugei, which is a great place to share God, and the gospel with the students. Many students were able to get into gospel conversations with students and we were able to encourage our fellow Christians at Gakugei. I always look forward to the english lunch because it is a lot of fun and it exposes many new students to God and Jesus Christ.
Tuesday at Hitotsubashi, Andrew and I were looking for students to share with and we were having a slow day. Not many students wanted to talk but we prayed that God would help us find someone to talk to who had an open mind. Finally we saw this student who was reading and we asked him if we could talk. God answered our prayers. His name was Daisuke, and he was really interested in God and Christianity. We presented the gospel to him and he said that this God is amazing, and that he wanted this for his life. But like many Japanese students, because of the past, the war, their knowledge of religion, and their upbringing, they struggle to want a religion. They fear religion and God. It is really sad talking to Japanese students about God and hearing their thoughts. But Daisuke was really interested and we talked for two and a half hours. We have been able to meet with him several other times on campus and are building a good friendship. Just keep him in your prayers. He is really interested in the promise that God gives.
Wednesday, we had English lunch at Hitotsubashi. English lunch here is a praise to God because it didn't exist before we arrived. We are able to eat with Japanese students and many of the conversations are spiritual and lead to gospel conversations. I was able to share with a guy named Kenji. He was interested in learning about Christianity and learning about what i believed in. I had been praying that God make it clear to me, those who are seeking Him. What an answer to prayer. He had read some of the Bible and had some knowledge about God and Jesus Christ. It was good to hear his thoughts about Christianity. We had a wonderful conversation and i asked him if this was something that he would want in his life. He said he didn't want God, but he wanted to be my friend and learn more about the gospel and about Christianity. Please pray for Kenji, that he would be given to God, that God would make light the truth, and that one day he would come to know Christ. I'm really excited for what God is doing in Tokyo.
Thanks for your Prayers and Support
I'll post more later
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Weekend!!
Saturday May 30, 2009
Today we all slept in and then went to the imperial gardens around the Imperial Palace. The imperial palace offered sculpted, rolling greenery, stone walls, moats, and guardhouses. It was really neat and we were able to take a bunch of fun pictures.
Kimi, Sammy, and I
We all stood on posts and did fun poses. The guards at the gardens were giving us funny looks.....i don't think they liked it.
Here was a bridge with two swans below at the imperial gardens.
After the gardens, we went to Asakusa. Asakusa contains a buddist temple and several shinto shrines. It was sad to see all the people coming and praying to gods that don't exist. Here is a picture of the gate at the entrence of the shrine.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Happenin's In the first week of Project
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
We went back to Hitotsubashi and before we entered campus, we prayed. Kylan, one of our team leaders, prayed that i would meet some lacrosse players on campus. I was really excited to meet people and when i got my lunch and was about to pay, i ran into a guy who was wearing a lacrosse shirt. I asked him if he played and he did, and so i went and ate lunch with him and about 10 other lacrosse players. We had a great conversation and they invited me to go play with them later that afternoon, so i said i would love too.
At 2:00pm, we went to the Lacrosse field and the guys found some equipment for me to wear. I suited up and they warmed me up and then i let everyone take shots on was soo much fun. I had a great time. Two other guys on my campus team came along and were able to share with the womens lacrosse team as well as some of the other lacrosse players. Overall, it was a great opportunity to meet and build relationships with some of the students.
Wednesday night is family night. For the first family night, the family night team planned an evening of games. We ended up playing "signs", which is a fun group game where you pass around signs while the person in the middle has to figure out who has the sign. It was a great way to unwind from the day.
Thursday May 28, 2009
This was a difficult day on campus due to the rain and tests. Many of the students who were in the cafeterias were not open to talking. So we prayer walked through much of the day.
Thursday night was a good night. We meet with Student Impact in Mitaka to worship and have dinner with our fellow christians in Japan. I had a great time getting to know a couple of the students and enjoyed the time in worship.
Friday May 29, 2009
Friday we went to a different campus, Gakugei. We started out with lunch at the joyful cafe. The Joyful cafe is a time for lunch with the christians on campus, and whom ever we invited, to speak english and share with them our faith and spur spiritual conversations. It was a great time. Afterwards, we went out sharing and kylan and i got to talk to 3 soccer players who invited us to their soccer game. Kylan and Josh went to their game and were able to make some good friends with whom we have been able to eat lunch with a couple more times. It was a great day all together.
I'll continue to fill you in with more posts on the next week soon.
Thanks for you support!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
First days on Project
So i've been having an awesome time here during my first day in Tokyo. But i must tell you of the things that God accomplished during briefing. We raised $19,000 dollars in 3 days to complete the support raising. Also a passport was lost in the mail and it was found at 7 am on the day of departure. Our flight was smooth and the quarantine for swine flu (H1N1) only took a couple minutes.
The apartment we are staying in is called the Rain Palace, in Koenji, Tokyo. I've added some pictures of the surrounding area. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.